The AFL-CIO Web-Site Has Very
Important Information
The Phoenix Metro
Area Local APWU is a part of the AFL-CIO. As such, it’s easy to access
the website for the AFL-CIO, which is
This article is
intended to give you some insight about what is contained on their
Jobs, Wages and
the Global Economy
Workers’ Rights
AFL-CIO Health Care Campaign
Retirement Security
Safety and Health At Work
Work and Family
Jobs, Wages and
the Global Economy
Rights. Many employers violate American workers’ basic legal
rights to safe, healthy and fair conditions at work because they
value their profits more than their workers. If that
happens to you, this site provides links to government agencies
that investigate complaints as well as advocacy organizations
that assist people with related problems.
Workers’ Rights
Working people in America have certain basic legal rights
to safe, healthy workplaces, but many employers –perhaps yours – violate
these basic rights because they don’t value their workers. This site
will help if that happens to you, with links to: investigate complaints
as well as advocacy organizations that assist people.
Find out what to do if you are discriminated against
because of
Race or Ethnicity
Turn to these sources of aid if you are:
A U.S. Reservist
Hurt on the job
Exposed to unsafe or unhealthy conditions at work
Denied paid overtime
Sexually harassed
Punished for supporting a union
Denied unpaid leave to care for a newborn or family
AFL-CIO Health Care Campaign
The AFL-CIO union movement is fighting for a unique
American plan for secure, high-quality health care for all that:
Controls rising and irrational costs. *Provides
comprehensive, high-quality health care to all.
Gives every family the opportunity and the
responsibility for preventive care.
Preserves the right to choose and use your own
Asks our government to play a strong role to curb
corporate greed and incompetence and ensure more fairness and
Lowers employer costs, and , in return, asks them to
pay their fair share.
Builds on what’s best about American health care
while drawing from what works in other countries.
Retirement Security
Social Security. Privatizing Social Security will
force drastic cuts in retirement benefits.
Defined-Benefit Pensions: Learn more about the
different risks for work-based pensions.
Cash-Balance Pensions. More cash-balance plans mean
more employees’ retirement is at risk.
Saving for Retirement: You’ll need 60 to 80 percent
of your income to retire.
Are You Ready?
Safety and Health At Work
NIOSH Worker Notification Page. Check out the NIOSH
Worker Notification Program.
Current news and
commentary on workplace health and safety, labor and politics.
Links to Safety and Health Internet Sites. Looking
for more information on safety and health?
Work and Family
Bargaining for work and family benefits.
Child care and early childhood education.
Elder care.
Family and Medical Leave
Family-friendly work schedules.
Charter Schools and School Vouchers.
Charter Schools routinely trail behind public schools
in academic achievement even as passage of school voucher
legislation would leave behind millions of students.
No Child Left Behind.
While the union movement long has championed the
principles underlying the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), there are
serious flaws in the law and its implementation that must be fixed.
Upholding High Standards for Students.
When educators set high academic standards for
students- and get the resources they need- student achievement
Hiring More Skilled Teachers.
Activists are pursuing lots of strategies to boosting
teacher quality and recruit new teachers to deal with the influx of
students into public schools.
Early Childhood Education and Child Care Workers.
Even as the lack of affordable, quality child care is
a serious problem, child care, child care workers struggle to stay
in an industry with low wages.
Building, Improving and Modernizing.
Of the existing 80, 000 schools at least one-third
are in need of extensive repair or replacement. Join the campaign to
build more schools and fix up existing campuses.
Making Higher Education Affordable.
Working families want access to education and
training beyond high school and want higher-education workers
treated fairly. Find out what unions are doing.
Homework Helpers.

Click Here to Visit your AFL-CIO